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DKK 5,200.00

Certainly! The name Lilith has ancient origins and various interpretations:

Lilith is often associated with mythology and folklore, particularly in Jewish tradition, where she is depicted as a figure of darkness, sometimes as a demon or a night creature.

In some interpretations, Lilith is considered to be Adam’s first wife in Jewish folklore, who refused to submit to him and was consequently banished from the Garden of Eden.

The name Lilith itself is believed to derive from the Semitic root “lilitu” or “lilu,” which means “night” or “night creature.” As such, Lilith is often associated with the night, darkness, and feminine power.

In modern times, the name Lilith has gained popularity as a symbol of independence, strength, and rebellion against societal norms, particularly in feminist and occult circles.

Overall, the name Lilith carries connotations of mystery, darkness, and feminine power, making it a powerful and evocative choice.

Hidden text in painting: 

All I wish is too comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable. 

Acrylics and ink on a canvas 

60 x 80 x 2 cm 

In black wooden frame

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