Jeg er dybt taknemmelig og glad for at have fået muligheden for at udstille mine værker i Opera Huset gennem Det Kongelige Teaters Kunstforening. Udstillingsperioden løb fra den 4. april til den 31. maj.
Det var en enestående oplevelse at få lov til selv at sætte udstillingen op på gangen, der fører op til husets kantine, hvor alle medarbejderne holder frokost. At være omgivet af så mange talentfulde mennesker og at høre forskellige sangere varme op i øvelokalerne bag væggene, hvor kunsten skulle hænge, var intet mindre end fantastisk.
Denne mulighed har ikke kun været en stor ære, men også en kilde til inspiration og glæde. Jeg er dybt taknemmelig for den støtte og anerkendelse, som jeg har modtaget fra både Kunstforeningen og de ansatte i Opera Huset. Det har været en uforglemmelig oplevelse, som jeg vil værdsætte for altid.
Tusind tak for denne enestående mulighed.
Foreningen udvalgte værket Lucy Liu, som ses på sidste billede (værket over computeren).
English version:
Exhibition at the Opera House
June 28, 2024
I am deeply grateful and thrilled to have had the opportunity to exhibit my works at the Opera House through the Royal Danish Theatre’s Art Association. The exhibition ran from April 4 to May 31.
It was an exceptional experience to set up the exhibition myself in the hallway leading to the house's canteen, where all the staff have lunch. Being surrounded by so many talented individuals and hearing various singers warming up in the rehearsal rooms behind the walls where the art was displayed was nothing short of amazing.
This opportunity has been not only a great honor but also a source of inspiration and joy. I am truly thankful for the support and recognition I have received from both the Art Association and the staff at the Opera House. It has been an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever.
A big thank you for this unique opportunity.
The Art Association selected the piece Lucy Liu, which can be seen in the last image (the piece above the computer).