Udstilling i Opera Huset

Jeg er dybt taknemmelig og glad for at have fået muligheden for at udstille mine værker i Opera Huset gennem Det Kongelige Teaters Kunstforening. Udstillingsperioden løb fra den 4. april til den 31. maj.

Det var en enestående oplevelse at få lov til selv at sætte udstillingen op på gangen, der fører op til husets kantine, hvor alle medarbejderne holder frokost. At være omgivet af så mange talentfulde mennesker og at høre forskellige sangere varme op i øvelokalerne bag væggene, hvor kunsten skulle hænge, var intet mindre end fantastisk.

Denne mulighed har ikke kun været en stor ære, men også en kilde til inspiration og glæde. Jeg er dybt taknemmelig for den støtte og anerkendelse, som jeg har modtaget fra både Kunstforeningen og de ansatte i Opera Huset. Det har været en uforglemmelig oplevelse, som jeg vil værdsætte for altid.

Tusind tak for denne enestående mulighed.

Foreningen udvalgte værket Lucy Liu, som ses på sidste billede (værket over computeren).

English version:

Exhibition at the Opera House
June 28, 2024

I am deeply grateful and thrilled to have had the opportunity to exhibit my works at the Opera House through the Royal Danish Theatre’s Art Association. The exhibition ran from April 4 to May 31.

It was an exceptional experience to set up the exhibition myself in the hallway leading to the house's canteen, where all the staff have lunch. Being surrounded by so many talented individuals and hearing various singers warming up in the rehearsal rooms behind the walls where the art was displayed was nothing short of amazing.

This opportunity has been not only a great honor but also a source of inspiration and joy. I am truly thankful for the support and recognition I have received from both the Art Association and the staff at the Opera House. It has been an unforgettable experience that I will cherish forever.

A big thank you for this unique opportunity.

The Art Association selected the piece Lucy Liu, which can be seen in the last image (the piece above the computer).

Art for Body and Soul: A Creative Fusion at Inkfinity

(English below)

"Embers of Creativity" – En Udstilling i Inkfinity Tattoo Shop

I Inkfinity's tattoo shop i City2 blev design og kunst forenet i rammerne af en unik udstilling. Med passionen for kreativitet som en klar flamme, blev “Embers of Creativity” en udforskning af de inspirerende stemninger omkring skabelse, spiritualitet og identitet.

Denne udstilling var en hyldest til den brændende lidenskab, der driver ideer og fantasi til at skabe. Gennem syv malerier præsenterede jeg, MKN, en visuel rejse ind i den transformative kraft, der ligger i at forfølge vores kreative impulser.

Jeg ønskede at fremhæve, hvordan kunstnere og alle, der søger at symbolisere livets højdepunkter og udfordringer, bringer deres unikke perspektiver til live. Fra de første streger af en tatovering til dybt reflekterende værker inviterede udstillingen til eftertanke om den personlige kreative rejse.

Sammen med teamet bag Inkfinity skabte vi en udstilling, der forførte gæsterne ind i en verden af fantasi og historier om mod, udvikling og selvopdagelse.

Tak til alle, der besøgte åbningsreceptionen den 18. marts og lod sig inspirere af "Embers of Creativity – Igniting the Soul’s Evolution". Udstillingen blev en fejring af den indre ild, der brænder i os alle, og en påmindelse om at lade den guide os i vores rejser.

Værker fra denne udstilling er næsten helt udsolgt – se Art Shop for de sidste værker, der stadig er til salg! Jeg arbejder allerede på nye værker, som bliver en del af fortsættelsen af denne udstilling, der lanceres i begyndelsen af 2025.

English version:

"Embers of Creativity" – An Exhibition at Inkfinity Tattoo Shop

At Inkfinity's tattoo shop in City2, design and art came together in a unique exhibition. With creativity burning bright as a flame, “Embers of Creativity” explored inspiring themes of creation, spirituality, and identity.

This exhibition was a tribute to the passionate spark that fuels ideas and imagination. Through seven paintings, I, MKN, presented a visual journey into the transformative power of following our creative impulses.

I aimed to highlight how artists—and anyone seeking to symbolize the highs and challenges of life—bring their unique perspectives to life. From the first strokes of a tattoo to deeply reflective artworks, the exhibition invited visitors to reflect on their own creative journeys.

Together with the team at Inkfinity, we created an exhibition that drew guests into a world of imagination and stories of courage, growth, and self-discovery.

Thank you to everyone who attended the opening reception on March 18 and found inspiration in "Embers of Creativity – Igniting the Soul’s Evolution." The exhibition became a celebration of the inner fire that burns within us all, reminding us to let it guide us on our paths.

Works from this exhibition are almost sold out—visit the Art Shop to find the remaining pieces still available! I am already working on new pieces for the continuation of this exhibition, launching in early 2025.

Gæsteudstiller Jacob Zeller

Det var en absolut fornøjelse at se de mange farverige værker af den absolut talentfulde billedkunstner indtage galleriet d. 6 oktober 2023.

Udstillingen blev skudt igang med fernisering og bobler.

Udstilling fra d. 7 - 21. Oktober 2023

The Grand Opening

Thanks to friends, family and followers for stopping by to make the opening of the gallery such a festive and beautiful day.

A special thanks goes to my dear neighbors - the duo The Time Mill, who made the beginning start with such a wonderful festive mood. Melinda on saxophone and Alex on guitar- the vibes were absolutely great. Huge recommendation if you need live music for receptions or gallery events.

For more information go here www.thetimemill.com

or https://m.facebook.com/thetimemill/

PFA Exhibition

Exhitbition at PFA Pension

First time exhibiting in the office halls of PFA Pension in Østerbro CPH.

A huge thanks to Ole Johansen for suggesting me as an artist to his workplace! Also a thanks to Charlotte Hierwagen for correspondence and lastly the art union within the corporation for the acceptance for participation.

The Exhibition period is the full month of February (ends 28th of February 2022).

Exhibition Rebel


Udstilling hos Rebel

Get an exceptional food experience with a rebel attitude.

New selection of artworks ready - specially painted to suit the attitude.


As the first lock-down happened, the first exhibition period had only just begun. So that meant no visitors inside the restaurant. When they reopened the artworks in the restaurant made impressions and some also were purchased directly from the dining table.

THIS TIME We again will await patiently as this second lock-down still rules. And hope to inspire all who wishes to have fine dining with a twist and raw attitude to book an evening at Rebel. When you do - have a look around ;)

Below. Former artworks exhibited. From the right “Bruised” 40 x 50 cm paper in frame & “Caught in Blue” 40 x 50 cardstock in frame, both sold.

Below. Sneak peeks on the new arrival of paintings soon (spring 2021) on display in the restaurant.


In the occasion of The Freetown of Christiania turning 48 years, the gallery Gallopperiet has a special selection of colorful expressionism!

Sunday the 4th of September, Gallopperiet opened its doors to the public showing the works of a group of 50 artists. These artists are mainly people living in Christiania both also including ‘friends of Christiania’ that has a long relationship with the area. The exhibition display paintings, drawings and sculptures in various expressions and styles, that shows diversity in attitude, inspiration and age by the different artists.

The exhibition is open for visitors until the 29th of September!

Included artworks:

  • Harmony (120 x 150 x 2cm)

  • Got It (60 x 80 x 2 cm)

  • Faithful Mirror (30 x 60 x 2 cm)

  • True Colors (45 x 65 x 0,9 cm)

Also view the two floor vases on display. They are currently on sale for 900 kr each and are the last originals from the painted glass nordic series called “Forest Floor”.

Picture of the artwork on display at Gallopperiet.

A huge thanks to the many visitors that joined us last Sunday for the opening!

Thanks for visiting!

TINKER TANK Grand Opening (April 25, 2019)

On April 25, 2019, we warmly welcomed over 200 guests to the grand opening of TINKER TANK, our creative workshop facility. It was an unforgettable day shared with sponsors from ARC (Amager Resource Center), representatives from Amager Lokaludvalg, Partnerskabet, and Frelsens Hær.

As a community dedicated to sustainability, recycling, and upcycling, we came together to celebrate creativity, connection, and combating loneliness through shared skills and hobbies.

For me, the day was especially exciting—it marked the debut of my first professional studio! To top it off, three of my paintings sold on opening day, thanks to the incredible support from the local community.

A huge thank-you to everyone who joined us and made the event so special.


Censored exhibition at Bryggens Atelier

A mix of professional and emerging artists from Denmark and Norway was selected to exhibit at Bryggens Atelier located at Islands Brygge, Copenhagen south.

I participated with the artwork “Sub Rosa”.

The fernissage was held Saturday the 6th of October 2018 with introduction and speech by the gallerist Merete Gross. Thanks to all the lovely followers of my work for attending this event.